Founded in 1986 for over 30 years ARA srl has been distributing machineries and materials intended for firms specialized in the maknig and overhauling of endothermic engines.
Availing of a capilar distribuition network on the territory and of a very realible technical service, we have grown in the past years becoming up to day the major distributors of this kind of machinery on Italian territory.
Key brands which we are dealing with are: SERDI, ROTTLER MANUFACTORING and COMEC srl.
An ever more important aspect in our trade over the years has become the heavy duty washing section.
We proudly reppresent two of the industry-leading manufatures, MAGIDO for the spray tanks, and TIERRATECH for the ultrasonic cleaning tanks.
Trezzano sul Naviglio (where our warehouse is located) you will be able to find a wide variety of second-hand machineries.
As from July 2018 ARA signed a prestigious agreement with ThyssenKrupp for the supply of services and Berco original spare parts to all customers of the lynx trademark worldwide.